Creativity springs from unusual pairings

A scientist who doubles as a professional singer reveals how a surprising combination produced a biological innovation.

Viviane Callier. The Boston Globe. 1 August, 2020. Article

Harvard Gazette

This is what a scientist looks like: project aims to give young students real-life STEM role models

Read the article here:

Science and Technology: This is what a scientist looks like. 23 July, 2020.

i am a scientist: Cassandra Extavour, Ph.D.

i am a scientist: the stories and science of real world scientists. A campaign to empower the next generation of STE(A)M. The People’s Science.

Featured Scientist: Cassandra Extavour

Discussed in the Harvard Gazette article This is what a scientist looks like. July 23, 2020


Harvard Gazette

Horizontal helper: Evidence suggests part of key gene needed for insect reproduction came from bacterial genomes

Horizontal helper: Evidence suggests part of key gene needed for insect reproduction came from bacterial genomes

Peter Reuell. Harvard Gazette, June 2, 2020. Article

Harvard Gazette

Cassandra named Harvard College Professor

Cassandra has been named a Harvard College Professor for her contributions to research, mentoring and teaching at Harvard. Read the entire article here.

Extavour Lab highlighted by video Wiki “5 Laboratories Conducting Important Biology Research”

5 Laboratories Conducting Important Biology Research

Entomologie : c’est le lieu de ponte qui détermine la forme de l’œuf

V, J.-B. Science & Vie. Insectes : la forme de leurs œufs dépend de l’endroit où ils pondent. No. 1224, September  2019, p.24. Article

PDF SVIE_1224_p24-25