A Multitalented Scientist Seeks the Origins of Multicellularity

Cassandra was interviewed by journalist Claudia Dreifus about her career and work for this piece published in Quanta Magazine.

NPR Short Wave: ‘Are you a model?’: Crickets are so hot right now

NPR Short Wave: ‘Are you a model?’: Crickets are so hot right now

Aaron Scott interviews Cassandra Extavour for the NPR Short Wave Podcast.

March 9, 2023.

Night Science – Cassandra Extavour and the Language of creativity

Night Science Podcast, with Itai Yanai and Martin Lercher. Cassandra Extavour and the Language of Creativity” October 10, 2022

Dr. Cassandra Extavour – Biologist and musician featured at POC Squared.

Dr. Cassandra Extavour – Biologist and musician featured at POC Squared.

Marisol Imani Dothard. POC Squared. March 15, 2021




And the Oskar goes to: germ-soma differentiation in insects

Big Biology Podcast, with Marty Martin and Art Woods. Episode 54: “And the Oskar goes to: germ-soma differentiation in insects.” December 17, 2020


An Interview with Alan Alda: How oskar the gene invented sex

Alan Alda’s Clear and Vivid Podcast, “How oskar the gene invented sex.” December 14, 2020

[stitcher] [Apple Podcast][podbean]



Music and Science with Cassandra Extavour

The Handel and Haydn Society‘s Tuning In Podcast, with Guy Fishman. Episode 8: “Music and Science with Cassandra Extavour.” October 5, 2020

[anchor.fm][spotify][Apple Podcasts]


Creativity springs from unusual pairings

A scientist who doubles as a professional singer reveals how a surprising combination produced a biological innovation.

Viviane Callier. The Boston Globe. 1 August, 2020. Article

Harvard Gazette

This is what a scientist looks like: project aims to give young students real-life STEM role models

Read the article here:

Science and Technology: This is what a scientist looks like. 23 July, 2020.

i am a scientist: Cassandra Extavour, Ph.D.

i am a scientist: the stories and science of real world scientists. A campaign to empower the next generation of STE(A)M. The People’s Science.

Featured Scientist: Cassandra Extavour

Discussed in the Harvard Gazette article This is what a scientist looks like. July 23, 2020