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oskar Reveals Missing Link in Co-optive Evolution

Abouheif, E. Evolution: oskar Reveals Missing Link in Co-optive Evolution  Current Biology 23(1): R24-R25 (2013) [pdf]

Harvard Gazette

Solving a biological mystery: researchers find gene related to germ cell formation older than thought

Reuell, P. Solving a biological mystery: researchers find gene related to germ cell formation older than thoughtHarvard Gazette, December 10, 2012. [pdf]

Harvard Gazette

The bounty of EDEN: program encourages use of alternative creatures in studies

Sly, J. The bounty of EDEN: program encourages use of alternative creatures in studiesHarvard Gazette, December 10 (2012) [pdf]

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National Public Radio (NPR) Science Friday: CreatureCast Episode 2

Tintori, S. and Extavour, C.G., CreatureCast Episode 2 about evolution and development of multicellular organisms and germ cells, Casey Dunn’s CreatureCast Blog (2009) video

the Scientist logo

Management for Beginners: So you’re a principal investigator – now what?

Dolgin, E. Management for Beginners: So you’re a principal investigator – now what?  The Scientist 22(7): 75-77 (2008) [pdf]

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Symposium Introduction: Key transitions in animal evolution

DeSalle, R. and Schierwater, B.  Key transitions in animal evolution.  Integrative and Comparative Biology 47(5): 667-669 (2007) [pdf]