Lee Bitsoi

LeManuel Lee Bitsoi

LeManuel Lee Bitsoi


Research Interests:

Lee Bitsoi is an associate of the Extavour Lab. As a bioethicist, Lee’s research interests include examining the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic/genomic research within Native American communities. In addition, he has been an advocate to address access and equity issues for underrepresented populations in science education. Lee’s current research project is focused on understanding the connections between historical trauma and epigenetics. He is the director of the Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs at Rush University in Chicago.

Other Publications:

Bitsoi, L. L. & Lee, L. (2013) Ahistoricism in the Native American Experience, Williams, R. (Ed.), Men of Color in Higher Education. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing (Pending)

Bitsoi, L. L., Sharma, K. D. & Sibbett, S. S. (2013). An Analysis of Graduation Rates of American Indians at the University of New Mexico: Implications for Higher Education, Journal of American Indian Education. 52(2).

Bitsoi, L. L., (2012). Enhancing Scientific Research in Genomics Through A Native Lens, NCAI Genomics Resource Guide, National Congress of American Indians, Washington, DC.

Bitsoi, L. L. & Torres, V., (2011). American Indian College Students. In M. Cuyjet, M. F. Howard-Hamilton & D. L. Cooper (Eds.), Multiculturalism on Campus: Theory, models, and practices for understanding diversity and creating
. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Bitsoi, L.L., Collmann, J., Cherry, K., Roffenbender, J., Bassett, K., Jacobs, B., Evans, C. H., (2010). Bridging the Divide Between Genomic Science & Indigenous Peoples, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 38(3).