Ben Ewen-Campen

Ben Ewen-Campen

Graduate Student

Current Position: Postdoc, Harvard Medical School
Research Interests:

Ben was an OEB graduate student in the lab from 2008-2014. He was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in support of his PhD work, and he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on April 18, 2014 – see photos of the champagne toasts here.

for his doctoral work, Ben worked on germ cell specification in basally branching insects, and on the evolution of the function of the oskar gene.

Ben was then awarded an NRSA postdoctoral fellowship from the NIH to join the lab of Norbert Perrimon at the Harvard Medical School.

Ben also successfully ran for City Councilorof Somerville Ward 3, and now serves his constituents with a focuson issues including affordable housing, sustainable community economics, and serving the senior community.