Bronwyn Miller
MSc in Biology. University of New Orleans, New Orleans LA.
BSc in Biology. Oregon State University, Oregon PO.
Research Interests:Bronwyn joined the Extavour lab through the OEB graduate training program with an interest in the evolution and divergence of Hawaiian Drosophila. After starting her PhD in our lab, she soon realized that her interests lay more in the genetic control of behaviour. She thus transferred to the lab of Ben de Bivort, where she continues to pursue her PhD studies.
M. Chenevert, B. Miller, A. Karkouti, A. Rusnak, S.E.Lott, J. Atallah. The early embryonic transcriptome of a Hawaiian Drosophila picture-wing fly shows evidence of altered gene expression and novel gene evolution. JEZB 338(5):277-291 (2022).