June 2014

Welcome to new lab members Carrie Whittle, a postdoc, and Rinat Degani, an undergraduate student.

May 2014

Welcome to Indu Nair, a new postdoc.

April 2014

Congratulations to Ben Ewen-Campen and Andre Green for successfully defending their Ph.D. theses! See photos of the champagne toasts here.

Congratulations to Kim Johansson for being awarded an EDEN Undergraduate Internship and a from the Museum of Comparative Zoology!

March 2014

Cassandra was promoted to tenure and Full Professor. In December she accepted Harvard’s offer!

February 2014

Congratulations to Nia Walker for being awarded a Harvard College Research Program (HCRP) Fellowship!

Welcome to Kim Johansson, an undergraduate student from Harvard College!

Seth‘s paper on the role of BMP signaling in cricket germ cell formation is accepted for publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. PDF

January 2014

Welcome to Andrew Lawson, a rotation student from the MCO Graduate Program, and Nia Walker, an undergraduate student from Harvard College!

December 2013

Andre‘s paper on the evolution of insulin signaling in fruit fly ovariole number divergence and phenotypic plasticity is accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. PDF * Read more in the Harvard Gazette

Cassandra will be hosting an Evo-Devo community workshop at NESCent from 11-13 December, 2013. Click here to learn how you can can “attend” virtually.

Abha‘s paper on the molecular evolution of oskar in Drosophilids is accepted for publication in Development, Genes and Evolution. PDF

November 2013

Prashant‘s paper on the evolution of cap-n-collar expression in Arthropods is accepted for publication in EvoDevo. PDF

Tripti‘s paper on germ plasm in the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis is accepted for publication in EvoDevo. PDF

September 2013

Cassandra is interviewed for articles in Scientific American and Quanta Magazine on the Program Cooperation and the Evolution of Multicellularity that she co-organized at the Kavli Institite for Theoretical Physics.

September 2013

Check out Cassandra’s feature in Debate on Evolution of Multicellular Organisms Starts to Gain Focus in the Scientific American. Article here.

August 2013

Ana‘s paper demonstrating a video protocol for blastomere ablation in the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis is accepted for publication in The Journal of Visualized Experiments. PDF

Tamsin‘s paper on the role of BMP signaling in frog limb development is published in the Journal of Anatomy.

Congratulations to Taro, who has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

July 2013

Transcriptomics for the Animal Kingdom: Using RNA-Seq to study nonmodel organisms! Featured in The Scientist. Article here.

June 2013

Read Cassandra’s commentary on a recent hypothesis on the role of germ line stem cell maintenance in the evolution of reproductive strategies. [pdf]

Welcome to Prashant Sharma, a visiting postdoc from the American History of Natural History, Erick Bayala, an undergraduate student from the MCO Summer Undergraduate Internship Program, and Taro Nakamura, a new postdoc.

May 2013

Congratulations to Evelyn, who has been selected for a Visiting Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust to pursue work at in the McGregor Lab at Oxford Brookes University in 2014.

April 2013

Congratulations to Prince for receiving a Harvard College Research Program (HCRP) Fellowship.

Congratulations to Evelyn for receiving first prize in the postdoc poster competition at the Northeast Regional Meeting of the Society of Developmental Biology.

Congratulations to Andre for receiving a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship.

March 2013

Ben‘s paper on the role of zygotic mechanisms in specifying germ cells in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus is accepted for publication in Current Biology. [pdf]

Ben and Tamsin‘s paper on germ line development in the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus is is accepted for publication in Biology Open (Company of Biologists). [pdf]

Victor‘s paper on the creation and de novo annotation of a transcriptome for the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus is is accepted for publication in PLoS ONE.s [PDF of accepted MS]

February 2013

The Scientist reports on the Program “Cooperation and the Evolution of Multicellularity” co-organised by Cassandra at the Kavli Institite for Theoretical Physics. [article]

Congratulations to Yue Meng for receiving a fellowship from the Harvard College Research Program (HCRP).

February 2013

Cooperating to study Cooperation! Featured in The Scientist. Article here

January 2013

Congratulations to Andre, who has been selected as the graduate student representative to the Communications Committee of the Genetics Society of America (GSA).

Our collaborative paper with Prashant Sharma of the Giribet lab onRNAi interference in harvestmen and the roles of dac and Dll in appendage development and evolution is accepted for publication in Evolution and Development. This paper was featured as a Cover Article! [pdf]

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