Welcome to Research Associate Tripti Gupta.
Welcome to Research Assistant Victor Zeng.
Didem Sarikaya‘s paper on the role of Notch in the trophoblast is accepted for publication in Cell Biology International. [pdf]
The new Evo-Devo-Eco Network (EDEN) NSF Research Coordination Network has been launched, with the administrative assistance of Barbara Perlo.
Congratulations to Evelyn Schwager for receiving a German Research Foundation (DFG) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.
Our chapter (John Srouji and Cassandra Extavour) on the evolution of germ plasm assembly in the book Key Transitions in Animal Evolution is now in press with Science Publishers.
Congratulations to Ana Nast Roda for receiving a fellowship from the Harvard College Research Program (HCRP), and to Trieu Ton for both a HCRP fellowship and a MCZ Grant-in-Aid of Undergraduate Research.
Welcome to our summer students Ana Roda, Trieu Ton and Gabi Walters.
Cassandra receives a New Scholar Award in Aging from the Ellison Medical Foundation.
Congratulations to André Green and John Srouji, who have both received NSF >Graduate Research Fellowships.
Cassandra Extavour is nominated for the Joseph R. Levenson Memorial Teaching Prize for her teaching in
December 2009 John Srouji co-authors a paper on the evolution of venom proteins, now available from Current Biology. [pdf]
Check out Cassandra on CreatureCast Episode 2 on NPR Science Friday. Watch here
Cassandra Extavour‘s Episode of Casey Dunn‘s “CreatureCast ” is featured on the November 6 episode of NPR’s Science Friday.
Congratulations to Franz Kainz for successfully defending his PhD thesis at Cambridge University.
Frederike Alwes co-authors a paper on shrimp embryogenesis, now available from Arthropod Structure and Development. [pdf]
Welcome to Didem Sarikaya, a graduate student in the OEB Graduate Program.
Our paper (Ben Ewen-Campen, Evelyn Schwager and Cassandra Extavour) on the molecular machinery behind germ cell specification is now available from Molecular Reproduction and Development. [pdf]
Evelyn Schwager‘s paper on the role of hunchback in spider development is available from Current Biology. A Supplementary Movie from this paper is the featured video for the issue of August 25.[pdf]
Welcome to André Green, a graduate student in the MCO Graduate Training Program.
Cassandra Extavour‘s mini-review on the evolution of meiosis genes is available from Current Biology. [pdf]
Frederike Alwes co-authors a paper on Remipede development, now available from Development, Genes and Evolution. [pdf]
Welcome to Omar Delannoy-Bruno, an undergraduate student from the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus.
Welcome to John Srouji, a graduate student in the MCO Graduate Training Program. John is initiating our collaboration with the lab of Andrés Leschziner.
A temporary farewell to Trieu Ton, who will be studying in China for the rest of 2009, but will be back in 2010.
Check out Cassandra featured in Shooting Stars: Check out these faculty ballers! in The Harvard Crimson Fifteen Minutes Magazine. Click here
Congratulations to Ben Ewen-Campen for being awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Cassandra Extavour‘s teaching is praised by students in the Harvard Crimson Fifteen Minutes Magazine. Read about it here.
Evelyn Schwager co-authors a review on posterior patterning in spider development, now available from Communicative and Integrative Biology. [pdf]
Evelyn Schwager co-authors a paper on anterior patterning in spider development, now available from Current Biology. [pdf]
Welcome to postdoc Evelyn Schwager, who joined the lab after competing her PhD thesis with Wim Damen.
Frederike co-authors a book chapter on developmental genetics in decapod evolution in the Crustacean Issues series book Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics. [pdf]
Check out Cassandra in Management for Beginners: So you’re a principal investigator – now what? by The Scientist. Click here.
Welcome to Ben Ewen-Campen, a graduate student in the OEB Graduate Training Program.
Welcome to postdoc Frederike Alwes, who has joined the lab after completing her PhD thesis with Gerhard Scholtz.